2024 Blog
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IMUN’s 30th anniversary marked a historic, exciting landmark, signaling the rise in youth engagement in the world’s problems and more importantly, their respective solutions.
Sadly, conflicts and disputes have increased over the past years. From Congo to Syria, Sudan to Gaza, conflicts and crises are intensifying. For the topic of press freedom in times of conflicts and disputes, the delegates of Israel, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom were questioned on such a topic.
The issue of the “global resurgence of political externism” is particularly relevant as extremist ideologies continue to integrate rural and urban regions, threaten human rights, and endanger international peace.
If you had walked into any of the conferences at last year's IMUN conference you probably see IMUN admin staff walking around the rooms passing notes. However the same can no longer be said this year seeing that this year's IMUN conference saw the introduction of a new note-passing system which is being tested out by the Economic and Social Committee.
This year, the Press team had the honor of interviewing IMUN’s keynote speaker, Mr. Pedro Delgado Alves. A Portuguese academic, parliamentary deputy, and the head of numerous political associations
The United Nations recognizes the difficulties youth face while trying to join the workforce. This grave issue targets modern society because the ability of youth to work will change the society in which upcoming generations will live in.
The Security Council is a vital part of the United Nations. It is one of the UN’s six main organs and provides peace and security internationally. The Security Council determines threats and ways to act against them (“Peace and Security”).
The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) convened today to address the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine, as tensions in the Middle East heighten
Disinformation” is characterized by the Oxford Dictionary as: “false information which is intended to mislead, especially propaganda issued by a government organization to a rival power or the media”.
Press freedom is a fundamental part of a free democracy. Restricted press freedom does not only limit journalism, but also limits the people’s view of the world and knowledge as a whole.
IMUN Press interviewed the delegates of the USA, Canada and Brazil regarding indigenous people’s rights to land restitution and reparations
As the schools began to arrive, several well-dressed individuals wearing green or red badge straps were seen warmly greeting, orienting, and conversing with delegates as the conference unfolded. These people are not just pretty faces with smiles, who appear to have an impressive depth of knowledge; these are admins.
The title of Situation in the Middle East, is so called “Middle East” not “Palestine and Israel”, is due to the recent fact that the conflict between Palestine and Israel have been expanded to Lebanon and different association between other Middle Eastern countries.
The situation in Haiti has become an urgent matter of concern for the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) due to the ongoing political instability, socio-economic challenges, and escalating humanitarian crises.
Human Rights Commission Issue #3: The question of Indigenous peoples' rights to land and reparations
Indigenous peoples’ rights to land and reparations is a topical and imperative issue to be addressed in the world today.
After the collapse of the Estado Novo dictatorship in Portugal, the new, democratic government relinquished its colonies, one of them being Angola.
The Iraqi invasion of Iran on September 22, 1980, was a consequence of longstanding tensions and deep-seated animosities between the two nations.
Economic and Social Council Issue #1: The question of the role forced labor plays in economic growth
Forced or compulsory labor is: "all work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily" (“What Is Forced Labour? | International Labour Organization”).
Natural resources include any “biological, mineral, or aesthetic asset afforded by nature” (“Natural Resource”). Natural gas, oil, and water have all been identified as three of the main natural resources that require managing across shared national borders.
The United Nations estimates that there are “1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years” in the world today, which accounts for “16 per cent of the global population” (“Global Issues”).
Historical Security Council Issue #1: The question of the political situation in Poland (March 1981)
The People’s Republic of Poland was one of the numerous nations within the Soviet Sphere of Influence throughout the duration of the Cold War: a period of time which arose after World War II and included an open yet restricted rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States
“Global resources are resources that are shared between all connected clusters” (“What Are Global Resources”).
Political extremism can be defined as a set of beliefs that make a person compliant to authority, aggressive in the name of that authority, and conformist in the behavior it perpetuates (“Social media”).
Nuclear Proliferation is defined as the spread of nuclear weapons along with technology, or any fissile material to countries that do not already possess them (Munro).
Freedom of the press is foundational to democracy and justice, providing the public with the necessary facts to shape opinions and hold power to account.
The United Nations was created at an attempt for peace after World War II. Representatives of fifty countries came together to create the United Nations (UN) Charter which outlined its structure, more specifically that of the Security Council (United Nations).
Disinformation is defined as false information spread by people who know it is not true.
The role of Member States in controlling a person’s bodily autonomy in relation to gender affirmation surgery is a critical and complex issue that intersects with fundamental human rights and gender equality.
Mental health is defined by “emotional, psychological and social well-being” according to the CDC, and mental healthcare is defined by “services devoted to the treatment of mental illnesses and the improvement of mental health in people with mental disorders or problems” ("Can robots").
As delegates are coming together to form the 2024 30th International Model United Nations conference, to many it is a first foray into the high-intensity world of diplomacy and debate.
On November 6th 2024, the IMUN press team was given the opportunity to interview the Admin Team Supervisor, Ms. Farcas and Press Team Supervisor, Mr.Grillo
As IMUN celebrates its 30th anniversary in Lisbon, the conference continues to inspire young delegates with the tools they need to solve current global issues. For Mr. Andrews and Ms. Fidalgo, this milestone is not just a reflection of the past but also a reminder of the ongoing importance of international peace and security.
The annual Iberian Model United Nations (IMUN) conference is experiencing its 30th edition, to which concerns regarding its logo´s connotations have recently been acted upon.