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A Summary of Debate: The question of implementing economic policies to improve work opportunities for youth. 

A Summary of Debate: The question of implementing economic policies to improve work opportunities for youth. 
Nina S.

The United Nations recognizes the difficulties youth face to join the workforce. This grave issue targets modern society because the ability of youth to work will change the society in which upcoming generations will live in. Countries such as the United Kingdom are seeing this on a drastic scale, with 597,000 unemployed young adults, which is 51,000 more than the previous year (Inman). However, the United Kingdom is not the only country facing this. Throughout the globe, the ability for youth to be employed is very difficult. Working in one’s young adult years is vital for people to have the funds to live a stable and comfortable life for not only themselves but their families. 

Economic policies will provide youth with many different opportunities to obtain an occupation. One vital course of action would be to improve the level of education. In order for more people to get jobs, they must be well-educated in their field of work. Not only that, but countries must individually create their own system of training and preparations for young adults before they enter their new area of labor. In this ever-changing world, the new generation must be well prepared for the workforce. Now with the increase in technology, the youth must be trained in ways to utilize technology with their best interest in mind. This will not only grant them the ability to contact different companies or education centers, but due to the digitalization of immense different fields, technology opens doors to many opportunities. 

In this debate, the Republic of Kenya submitted a resolution focusing on this issue. Primarily, they proposed investing in education opportunities and the development of different skills. However, this form of education did not only focus on teaching the youth how to become skilled laborers but entrepreneurs. One operative clause from the resolution stated, “Calls on all Member States to invest in Skills Development and Education for Youth which: a) promotes the integration of entrepreneurship and businesses management courses to foster innovation, and self-employment, with funding from IGO’s such as but not limited to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank combined with the sharing of expertise on youth unemployment policies from More Economically Developed Countries (MEDCS) b) supports collaborating with private sectors to endorse internships and job placements for youth in high demand areas;”. This clause allows youth from all around the world to be provided with equal opportunities. Through funding from not only more economically developed countries but also international organizations, less economically developed countries are able to give proper training to their youth. Originally, this clause stated that the funding for education would be provided solely from more economically developed countries, nonetheless, through debate, an amendment was passed where they ultimately included international organizations, to remove the burden of countries funding others.  

The debate also focused heavily on making sure that the economic policies that were put in place were held to a certain standard. Although throughout the debate, the issue of allowing each country to have their own sovereignty, was very prominent, they also believed that it was necessary to have certain policies followed for all. One operative clause stated, “Supports the review and amendment of economic policies that hinder youth employment, ensuring they are inclusive, equitable, and forward-looking by: a) conducting regular assessments of national labor markets to identify gaps and opportunities for youth b) encouraging stakeholder engagement in policy formulation to capture diverse perspectives and needs;” These assessments would allow each country to make sure that their labor force has as many people as possible, but that it is a diverse and well-rounded group, accurately representing the community as a whole.  

Overall, the debate was very productive, showing different countries' perspectives on how to create better work opportunities through implementing economic policies. Different member states joined together to discuss this important issue that the future depends on.  


Works Cited 

Inman, Phillip. "'People's futures on the line' amid surge in youth unemployment, unions warn." The Guardian, 10 Sept. 2024,,for%20National%20Statistics%20(ONS). Accessed 9 Nov. 2024.