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The Importance of Press Freedom

The Importance of Press Freedom
Artur P.

Press freedom is a fundamental part of a free democracy. Restricted press freedom does not only limit journalism, but also limits the people’s view of the world and knowledge as a whole. Journalism and press freedom were made to give citizens the opportunity to develop their own viewpoint on issues based on the all the information available. In times of conflict, the importance of press freedom gains additional importance.

In the resolution submitted by the delegation of Cuba, the delegate states that press freedom should be regulated during times of conflict. The delegation further justifies their point by stating that this limitation is for the safety of the country. The resolution also suggests that by limiting press freedom, sensitive military or governmental will be kept safe.

There were many attempts to submit amendments for the protection of journalists in times of conflict. Delegates suggested to teach journalists self-defense, but the overwhelming majority disagreed with these amendments. The delegation of Algeria stated that “journalists choose to be in these areas of conflict, rather than innocent bystanders and citizens, so therefore protection for journalists should not be a priority.”

During the closing remarks, the delegation of Belgium delivered an impressive speech that managed to capture all the delegates attention. The delegation of Belgium stated that “this resolution is ridiculous. Freedom of speech is the foundation of democracy.” Following the voting procedure, 70 voted for the resolution while 76 voted against, meaning the resolution to restrict press freedom in times of conflict did not pass.