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The question of bodily autonomy in relation to gender affirmation surgery - Interviews with the delegates of Russia and China

The question of bodily autonomy in relation to gender affirmation surgery - Interviews with the delegates of Russia and China
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In an interview, the delegates of Russia and China shared opposing views on gender affirmation surgery. The delegate of Russia expressed that such surgeries should be entirely illegal. In contrast, the delegate of China highlighted that gender affirming surgery should be legal.

According to the National Library of Medicine, over 1,300 men and women between 19 and 26 expressed interests in hormone therapy. The delegate of China explained that this treatment was legalized in response to the “influence of modern values online and social media,” with the government supporting it to encourage freedom of expression and accommodate evolving social norms. This decision reflects China’s intention to balance traditional views with increasing demands for personal autonomy in self-expression.

Russia’s 2022 anti-LGBTQ propaganda laws have significantly restricted human rights, imposing severe penalties for any public expressions or endorsements related to LGBTQ issues. In response to question, the delegate of Russia emphasized that these restrictions, including the recent ban on gender-affirming surgery, are viewed as necessary sacrifices to “preserve traditional family values and societal stability.”

In China, a survey showed that over 70% of people believe discrimination against transgender individuals should end, while 14.4% disagreed. The delegate of China noted the positive impact on freedoms, saying it has “allowed people more freedom to express themselves.” However, the delegate also acknowledged a downside: those with deep cultural ties sometimes feel that expanding these rights invades on their personal values, which they see as a “violation” of their own freedoms and rights.

When asked about notable campaigns or protests, the delegate of Russia noted that while there have been movements, they are often labeled as extremist, as they’re “A disruption the natural order of the state and society”. On the other hand, the delegate of China explained that citizens are not in a position to protest due to the authoritarian nature of the government, which limits such actions.

The situation of gender affirming surgery and LGBTQ rights contrast in Russia and China. In Russia, laws strictly forbid LGBTQ+ discussions. China, on the other hand, permits citizens to perform gender affirming surgeries and any LGBTQ+ related actions.